Android studio java subfolders
Android studio java subfolders

android studio java subfolders

Sync your project and everything will work correctly

  • Now go into your modules file and create a sourceSets definition like this…(Make sure ‘src/main/res/layouts’ & ‘src/main/res’ are always the bottom two!!!! Like I am showing below).
  • android studio java subfolders

  • Put the XML files you want inside the new ‘layout’ directory from the backup you made on your desktop.
  • Do the same for fragment and adapter folders.
  • (Note: This MUST be named ‘layout’ !!! very important)
  • Right click the ‘activities’ directory and select new > directory once again and name this directory “layout”.
  • (This will be the name of the type of XML files you will have in it, for example, ‘fragments’, ‘activities’ or ‘adapters’ etc.)
  • Right click the new “layouts” directory and select new > directory.
  • Right click the ‘res’ directory and select new > directory to create Directory in folder res which called “layouts” (I prefer calling it ‘layouts’ but this can be whatever you want, but it will not be a ‘fragment’ directory or ‘activity’ directory, that comes later).
  • Delete the entire ‘ layout’ directory (Make sure you backed everything up from step 1!!!).
  • android studio java subfolders

    (present under android/app/src/main/res/layout)

    android studio java subfolders

  • Copy all of the XML files out of your layout directory, and put them into a directory on the desktop or something for backup.

  • Android studio java subfolders